Building the Workforce for a Green Economy

The global green workforce transition measures hundreds of millions of workers, and needs to happen 10x faster than any workforce transition has happened before.

That’s why, beyond supporting the initial wave of climate professionals through our online community, we’re establishing the Climate Workforce Coalition. This new international body is designed to help all workforce and education stakeholders accelerate their readiness for the green economy’s demands.

Our approach is to begin with regional pilots and then build an industry body informed by their findings and specifically designed to scale their successes.

Discover more about our initiatives and how they’re shaping the future of workforce development in climate. If your organization wishes to be involved in this work, please contact

Regional Coalition Pilots

Working Group: Advanced STEM in Cleantech in NY/NJ

Initiated in late 2023, this group includes over 30 national and state stakeholders focused on expanding the STEM climate workforce in New York and New Jersey. Our goal for 2024 is to develop new talent pipelines that integrate diverse STEM professionals into the green economy.

Working Group: Elevating Disadvantaged Workers to Lead Industry Decarbonization

We are assembling our second regional pilot, focused on decarbonizing light manufacturing through workforce development in disadvantaged U.S. communities. This pilot will bring the economic benefits of green innovation to workers and businesses in disadvantaged areas while creating a blueprint for decarbonizing related industries.

Research & Insights

How to Attract People Into Working on Climate

Our comprehensive year-long study explores effective strategies to engage the next wave of climate workforce—those who are concerned about climate change but have not yet considered a climate-focused career. We’ve pinpointed key barriers and employer strategies to encourage more individuals to embark on climate careers.